Requirements to formalizing the results of scientific and research works and projects

Requirements for the work

The work should be done as scientific research, comparison analysis, engineering or technological calculation. The work may contain new proposals in scientific, technical, (intellectual information) information intellectual areas.

The work should clearly state the author’s achievements and areas where the result could be applied. The problem, considered in work or its solvation, should be original, if possible. Creativity, intellectual productivity, discovery, and generation of the new, perhaps unusual, but justified ideas have the value.

Abstracts do not accept to the conference.

The work should contain the following parts:

  • cover page;
  • abstract;
  • content;
  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusion;
  • references;

The work may also contain annexes, a list of abbreviations and notations.

The cover page is the first page of the work. It contains the title of the conference, scientific direction, the title of the work, information about the author (full name, educational entity, grade), and scientific advisors (full name, scientific status, position, place of work).

The abstract is a list in A4 paper format with the text of 20 lines to 1 standard page. The abstract should contain the most valuable information about the work: objective, methods and techniques, received results, conclusions. Abstract printed at one standard page: the title of scientific and research work (project) following with the word «Abstract» in the center, below placed the text of the abstract.

Content includes an introduction, titles of each part and subparts, conclusion, references, and names of each annexes with the page numbers.

The introduction should contain assets of the current condition of the problem and its relevance, objectives of the work, description of solved problems, and methods of its solvation.

In the main part of the work should be highlighted:

  • Using methods (reasons to use of given methods: efficiency, accuracy, simplicity);
  • Comparison of known (with references) and newly proposed methods to solve the problem;
  • Suggestions about practical usage of the results;
  • The author’s conclusions, having scientific and practical value.

The conclusion provides a review of the work done. The conclusion should correspond to the work’s objectives. It can also contain the author’s suggestions about further researches directions in the problem area.


Requirements to the work’s appearance

The work provides printing on one side of a white sheet in A4 paper format. Text prints with black ink and font size 14 through 1,5 interval, recommended font type – Times New Roman. Illustrations (drawings, graphics, figures, tables, photos) should be provided in the main part of the work directly after the text, where mentioned, or in the annex.

Work’s volume should be 15-20 pages, and for annexes, there are no more than 10 additional pages.

Printed text and illustrations bond together with the cover page. Place every page in a separate bag is not necessary. If the work includes software, the CD or flash drive with the program should be attached.

Participants, entailing to present their program on the Exhibition-contest of software development, should provide:

  • The description of the work done to develop software production (work’s title, its objectives and tasks, novelty, relevance, statement of the task’s algorithm, used mean, so on – 10-15 pages);
  • CD or flash drive with the program;
  • In the application form note the list of required software necessary to demonstrate the program’s performance, specific requirements to the technical means (video-, sound-cart, so on);
  • Leaflet in A4 paper form with the description of the software product (edited and decorated).

The guidance recommends containing additional info about the requirements to the article, abstract, and presentation